Structure-based assignment

Structure-Based Assignment (SBA) is a technique to accelerate the resonance assignment which is a key bottleneck of NMR (Nuclear magnetic resonance) structural biology.[1] A homologous (similar) protein is used as a template to the target protein in SBA. This template protein provides prior structural information about the target protein and leads to faster resonance assignment . By analogy, in X-ray Crystallography, the molecular replacement technique allows solution of the crystallographic phase problem when a homologous structural model is known, thereby facilitating rapid structure determination.[2] Some of the SBA algorithms are CAP which is an RNA assignment algorithm which performs an exhaustive search over all permutations,[3] MARS which is a program for robust automatic backbone assignment [4] and Nuclear Vector Replacement (NVR) which is a molecular replacement like approach for SBA of resonances and sparse Nuclear Overhauser Effect (NOE)'s.[5][6][7]


  1. ^ Bartels, Christian; Billeter, Martin, Guentert, Peter, Wuethrich, Kurt (30 April 1996). "Automated sequence-specific NMR assignment of homologous proteins using the program GARANT". Journal of Biomolecular NMR 7 (3). doi:10.1007/BF00202037. 
  2. ^ Rossman, M. G.; Blow, D. M. (1962), "The detection of sub-units within the crystallographic assymetric unit", Acta Crystallogr. D 15: 24–31 .
  3. ^ Al-Hashimi, H. M.; Gorin, A.; Majumdar, A.; Gosser, Y.; Patel, D. J. (2002), "Towards structural genomics of RNA: Rapid NMR resonance assignment and simultaneous RNA tertiary structure determination using residual dipolar couplings", J. Mol. Biol. 318 (3): 637–649 .
  4. ^ Jung, Y.; Zweckstetter, M. (2004), "Mars - robust automatic backbone assignment of proteins", journal of Biomolecular NMR 30 (1): 11–23 .
  5. ^ Langmead, C. J.; Yan, A.; Lilien, R.; Wang, L.; Donald, B. R. (2004), "A polynomial-time nuclear vector replacement algorithm for automated NMR resonance assignments", J. Comp. Bio. 11 (2-3): 277–98 .
  6. ^ Langmead, C. J.; Donald, B. R. (2004), "An Expectation/Maximization Nuclear Vector Replacement Algorithm for Automated NMR Resonance Assignments", J. Comp. Bio. 29 (2): 111–138 .
  7. ^ Apaydin, M. S.; Catay, B.; Patrick, N.; Donald, B. R. (2010), "NVR-BIP: nuclear vector replacement using binary integer programming for NMR structure-based assignments", The Computer Journal (January): bxp120+, doi:10.1093/comjnl/bxp120 .